Where to Buy Cotton Fabric

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Where to Buy Cotton Fabric – In this blog post, I share where you can find and buy cotton fabric for your sewing and quilting needs. #CottonFabric

Where to Buy Cotton Fabric

Where to Buy Cotton Fabric - In this blog post, I share where you can find and buy cotton fabric for your sewing and quilting needs. #CottonFabric
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The pandemic at times does make it hard to find fabric and it can be competitive in buying fabric too. Best bet is, if you see something you like, get it! You might not be able to get it again. I would suggest to buy maybe little extra if you can afford it too. Best to have too much and not enough. The extra fabric remnants can be used for other crafts, patch works and quilting needs.

Local Fabric Stores

The first place to look will be your locally owned and operated fabric shops. You can find all kinds of neat ones that you won’t in a national chain. (In that blog post, you can see the list of local fabric stores that SteveZ MaskZ has supported).

I got some of my fabric used for stuff on SteveZ MaskZ from some local fabric stores. I always noted in my description that it was found there. Yes, you may pay more, but you are supporting a local business!

More than likely, you will find older fabric designs and even things you won’t see in the big chain national stores.

Often with some fabric stores, they offer sewing classes to help teach you sewing tips, quilting, etc. So another benefit of local fabric stores.

Big Chain National Stores

But I have also bought my fabric from Hobby Lobby and Jo-Ann Stores. Those are the two big national ones near me with fabric. Jo-Ann stores will have more fabric than Hobby Lobby, but both have some nice designs and even license fabric.

Sometimes online places you will find that fabric like 2-3 times expensive than buying at the store. I have seen that especially for fabric on Etsy.

Where do you buy your fabric from?

Feel free to share where you buy your fabric from in the comments below.


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